> 文章列表 > 坐飞机必须买保险吗航意险的适合哪些人群




Many people wonder whether it is necessary to buy travel insurance when taking a flight. Specifically, does one need to purchase aviation accident insurance (also known as plane or air travel insurance)? This article aims to discuss the relevance of this type of insurance and the specific groups of people who benefit from it.

What is Aviation Accident Insurance?

Aviation accident insurance covers medical expenditures incurred from injuries, disability, or death that arise due to an accident in an aircraft. This type of insurance is particularly important for those who travel frequently by air. In case of a mishap, this insurance helps pay medical and hospital bills, repatriation expenditures, and even compensation for the loss of luggage, among others. It is also a good idea to purchase aviation accident insurance when traveling to sensitive destinations due to their risk of terrorism and other emergencies.

People Who Travel for Business

For professionals who travel frequently for work, aviation accident insurance is essential. This group of individuals are likely to be on a tight schedule, and any accident or injury will usually result in delays or cancellations. Furthermore, business people need to keep themselves in a good state of health and mind to keep up with their professional obligations. Aviation accident insurance can not only provide peace of mind but can also help ensure their speedy recovery should an accident occur.

People with Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

Individuals with pre-existing medical conditions may find it difficult to find travel insurance policies that cover their specific ailments. However, aviation accident insurance can provide cover for any medical emergencies that may arise from traveling by air. For instance, those with heart conditions may suffer from complications during a flight that requires immediate medical attention. Aviation accident insurance can be a source of financial relief in such situations, especially when medical coverage is inadequate.

People Traveling with Children or Elderly Persons

Traveling with children or elderly persons can be challenging, and even more so, during air travel. Accidents can happen, and in such cases, aviation accident insurance can come in handy. This group of individuals may suffer from specific medical conditions that require medical attention regularly. Purchasing aviation accident insurance that covers such conditions when traveling can ensure that these individuals receive the necessary medical care and avoid delays or any other inconveniences.

People Traveling to High-Risk Destinations

Traveling to some countries or cities comes with inherent risks. High-risk destination areas are often considered sensitive to terrorism and civil war, among other emergencies. Regular travelers to such destinations should consider purchasing aviation accident insurance due to the higher chances of accidents and emergencies. This insurance can help cover medical expenses and repatriation to their home countries should anything happen during their trips.


Aviation accident insurance provides cover for medical emergencies, disability or death arising from an accident when traveling by air. Specific groups of people who should consider purchasing aviation accident insurance include frequent fliers, those with pre-existing medical conditions, those traveling with elderly persons, children, and those traveling to high-risk destinations. Accidents can happen at any time, and it is always better to be safe than sorry.